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Lunch 12 May 2015
Created 7/22/2017
Up-Dated 12/10/2017 **
Jim Howard
(Claire Zvanskki - President
Retired Employees of the City & County of San Francisco
Ed Jones (email to me)
Suo Fong Robert Owens
Sel Colon Bob
John Diamante
Joe Batiste Randy Goetzl
Ron Campbell
Claire Zvanskki Maria Vermiglio Greg Kelly
Fannie Barns (Standing)
Fannie Barns
John Ryan Chuck Holek
Jim Cochran
Bob Why?
Fernado Cornajo Bob Dalgrdo
Carl Pete Llerena
Richard Perkins
Peter Kohlenberg
Bill Guedet Joe Batiste
Maria Vermiglio Greg Kelly
Billy Cleaver Al Chang
Suo Fong
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